Wednesday 27 April 2011

Experiment :)

Yesterday i bought dove, cadbury and nestle chocolate and broke a block from each brand and tested every single one of them timing them to see how long they take to melt. After the test i collected my results and created a table for the results on Neo Office for my assignment hand in. Now i will be working on my graph and do some research.

Monday 14 March 2011

Updated Mind map

Today i also accessed the website and created a new mind map including my dependent and independent variables.

Written response & Research

Today i worked on my written report by filling in the Hypothesis of the experiment, the Materials/equipment that i will be using and the safety precautions. I have also Started on my research and i have found out that the more cocoa butter there is in chocolate the longer it will take for the chocolate to melt.

Written report

Today i opened up Neo Office and started working on the written report by filling in the aim, purpose, materials and method for this experiment and i will fill out the rest tomorrow.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Today i did my brainstorm on This is the first time i have used that website. I listed the types of chocolates i will be using which are Dove, Cadbury and nestle. They are all going to be all light chocolate not dark chocolate. I also listed the size they are going to be and they are all going to be small and of the same size when they are being tested :)

Thursday 10 March 2011

Chosen Experiment

 Today i accessed this website and i have been thinking of what experiment i will be doing for my assessment task and i have chosen to do that the quality of chocolate affects its melting time. The chocolates i will be using are dove, cadbury and nestle. The Aim for this experiment is to see which brand of chocolate will melt first and now i will be making my first mind map using